YK-11 10mg/ml (30ml)

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YK-11 10mg/ml (30ml)
Quick Overview

YK-11 for sale is available in liquid form, in a concentration of 10mg per ml. It is only for research purposes and not for human consumption.


ABOUT YK-11: Yuichiro Kanno identified YK-11 in 2011, hence the name. It is a gene-selective partial agonist and is a synthetic Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). 

The chemical structure of YK-11 is much similar to that of 5-α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It works by binding itself to androgen receptors in a similar fashion as DHT does. Liquid YK-11 activates the androgen receptors partially, which works by accelerating the activity related to catabolic genes. 

A study conducted on animal test subjects suggests that the treatment of YK-11 and DHT may accelerate the process of cell proliferation and mineralization. Phosphorylated Akt protein levels were increased after YK-11 was administered to the rats, therefore indicating the non-genomic signaling of androgen receptors. 

BUY YK-11 Today from LOTI LABS! 

We offer the highest grade and purity of YK-11 for sale at an affordable price in the USA. For shipping details, please click here

For best results in your research, buy liquid YK-11 of the highest quality from LOTI LABS. 

Use our products for only research/laboratory purposes. Violation is strictly forbidden. Please read our Terms and Conditions

Anyone using products sold by LOTI LABS for any purpose other than research/laboratory use will be added to our no-sell list.

For more information on YK-11 please visit Wikipedia.

Weight0.1875 lbs
AppearanceViscous cloudy liquid
StabilityRoom Temperature out of direct sunlight
Molar Mass430.541
CAS Number1370003-76-1
Container30ml Bottle
Molecular FormulaC25H34O6
Concentration10mg per ML
TermsThis product is sold for research/laboratory usage only. No other uses are permited.


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Product NameYK-11 10mg/ml (30ml)
SKUYK-11 10mg/ml (30ml)
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